Friday, 9 December 2011

You got served (title sequence)

Watch up to 4:40

I have chosen this title sequence because it is a dance genre which is similar to our title sequence idea.Although our idea is a hybrid genre. I researched into different types of dance movies and found that this was one of the closest to our idea(Change the Beat).

The codes and conventions of this titles sequence is as follows:
-The character are introduced in the scene through the titles and how they are portrayed in the first scene.In this case they are shown as lively,up beat dancers enjoining themselves and making a living for themselves.The main characters are shown with their names and a close-up on them to make it clear that they are the main characters.This element of the sequence is very important because it will determine how the audience will view and acknowledge the characters.The dance group in this sequence is shown on the camera from different angles and constantly doing exciting movements to keep the audience focused on them .Basically they are the group to watch.

-The film titles are shown in a bold ,white,medium and clear font either at the top of the screen or the bottom,in order to keep the audience focused on the dancing.The titles come at a fast pace for the audience to quickly read whilst watching the dancing.The order of the titles in this sequence go from studio name to the film name then to the most important characters and finally the crew members then editor,director and the last title is the producer.This is a reasonable order which can be used in (Change the beat) ,however the font will be smaller and a different colour.The typography of the film name is bold,strong looking with a silver and a red boarder.The silver represents the success they will battle for and the red the danger/risk they are taking to win the competition.The title represents movement and the strength that the dancers have got and put in to dance.The silver and the red combined together represent some sort of energy.This type of title could be Incorporated into (Change the Beat) because I would like to portray energy through the typography.

-The indication of the location is shown through the various wide shots, high angle and long shots. In the background a crowd is shown standing around the dancers screaming.the location looks like a a warehouse.This we might take into consideration because of the amount of open space that can be used for dancers,an alternative will be to use an open dance floor located in a dance school.

-The indication of the period is recognizable,their costumes and the background scenery pretty much portrays the time period the movie is set in. This is very important and needs to be shown otherwise the audience will be confused.In this case this film is quite contemporary/modern.This will be something that I would definitely consider incorporating into (Change the Beat)title sequence.

-The information regarding the mood and tone has been shown through the movements of the dancers.The costumes portray the mood of the dancers and the tone is set through the music.The tone the mood is one code/convention that I think should be implemented into our title sequence because the mood and tone help to convey the narrative.

-In the sequence the theme tune is loud,up-beat and fun which is what the title sequence is trying to convey.This is one element of the title sequence I feel has to be included in a dance type of film because the theme music , will give some sort of edge and excitement to the sequence.This theme music will also introduce the type of music that will be played within the movie.This is kind of setting/preparing the audience for the movie.

-The genre of the movie is shown through the cinematography,which is vital information for the audience because without knowing the genre the audience may be confused as to what they about to watch because the title sequence was unclear. The genre is a significant part of the sequence,this needs to be shown or expressed through any title sequence,therefore I will make sure it is shown in (Change the Beat).

-Our group will consider including an enigma,just so the audience can ask questions For example(what is going on?why is this happen?who is in this group?) This title sequence creates some sort of enigma because they want viewers to wonder why and want to discover what is actually going on by watching the film. Setting an enigma up for the audience will be needed in our title sequence because it need a bit of ambiguity in order to interest the audience to watch further.

-The patterns and types of editing are echoed in this film,especially when it comes to the dance competitions. The patterns and the types of editing used may be considered ,but on the other hand it may not be extremely as important as the other code and conventions shown (You got served) dance film.

-The mise-en-scene is most significant element of the title sequence because it is what will be echoed in the film.From this sequence the mise-en-scene is shown,which gives the audience a sense of what is going to be shown in the film.